Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Foyer Hall Tree Update

This is my wonderful hubby in what was once my our beautiful dining room.  Now his office/writing studio.

Want to see a magic trick? 

Poof!  They are gone!  

Don't worry, hubby is still here.  He is enjoying his new office.  Or is he? Now he has decided to write in the living room with a laptop desk.  (insert my Charlie Brown scream)

 I will try to draw up some plans and insert them.  I'm most proud of the fact that this can all be removed with four screws and very little damage to the frame which I hope will be hidden by my French doors someday.  

Only a small bit of caulking and paint remain to take this project all the way to the finish line, but I have decided to call it a win!  As soon as the weather cooperates and I can paint without poisoning us occupants, it will be complete!   

I'm still debating the Oak Leaf hooks.  In the catalog they called to me, but once they were up, not so much.  I'm usually all about symmetry, in case you can't tell, but I think they are growing on me.  And I feel like living in Oak City, the Oak leaf and Acorn motif are fitting. 

Supply List and Drawings: