Saturday, October 9, 2010

A kitchen in Progress...

Here is a sneak peak at postings to come...and some insight as to why my blogging is so slow.  Terribly sad looking isn't it?

TA DAH!  Not any more!
  I just luv luv luv that sink.  Cookie sheets - say hello to my new little big friend.
My husband says I could wash the dog in there - Eeewww!

Just two guys carried all those big pieces in...jeesh!  I couldn't look!

Hello my pretties...I've waited so long for you :)

Do you notice anything funny about the picture above?  I only WISH I had a pic of my husbands face when they said please sign here and left it like this. did I know they didn't INSTALL the faucet or the sink.  The sink came with the granite, they told me I had to have the faucet before the install, so I just assumed.   My bad?? 

So began the day my husband set out to learn the secrets of plumbing...

And may I say...He is awesome! 
Only two trips to the home center and voila - (pics to come)
He did it again! 
Not to mention - he decided to go one further, and install a filtered water line too!  Got to love em...he is going GREEN!  No more bottled water - this thing is great!  (pics to come)
Even if it did cost me the in-counter soap dispenser hole....sniff sniff.

My awesome Plumber!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The unplanned project continued...

The job has they always do.  I have decided to undertake a massive clean out...this is what happens after I watch an episode of Hoarders.  Does this happen to anyone else?  I have this sudden urge to clean...frantically.  Wonder what Freud would say to that?  Well, no matter, it works!  I will have pics soon...of my new and improved closet.  And thanks to the lovely work of another blogger, (I will have to get her permission before listing), I think I will beautify my linen closet while I'm at it. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

An unplanned project...or should I call it an unravelled project?

So last week I heard a crashing sound in the garage, or so I thought.  I was frozen for a minute (chicken that I am) and then I went to the door, unlocked it quietly and yelled for the dog as I jerked open the door.  Voila...nothing!  So I figured it was up in the attic above, where I am sure a million things are perched precariously waiting to fall at any time.  Later that evening I went to the closet to climb into some cozy jammies only to find this awaiting me...

Surprise!  oh man!

This had been the first project tackled in our house - the closet organizing system one of my "Bestest Friends" Stacey, aka Handy woman Extraordinaire, put in for me on a visit 2 years ago. ROCK!  I'm trying to get her to go on "All America Handyman". 

I have more pics - however, we are experiencing some technical difficulties.  So while waiting...I'm off to purchase some Gorilla Glue!  Whatever did we do before Gorilla Glue?