Friday, January 21, 2011

Dinning room, decisions decisions decisions... here is yet another, in a loooong list of unfinished projects.  Indisision strikes again!

 Notice the "catch all" mess in the corner?  And, you should see the kitchen!  lol - wait - you can catch a glimps of it thru the doorway, oh noooo!  The shame...rofl
Reason number 1 for the delay - YET AGAIN, I am second guessing my paint choice. 
Reason number 2 - I was thinking maybe??  Board and Batten would look better in here?  But now I have changed my mind (YES, again!) and decided to go with Wainscoting - painted white.  And yes, that is Chair rail you see, in my "I want nothing Froo froo" phase I decided to paint it the same color as the wall.  Not, one of my better ideas!
Reason number 3 - The popcorn needs to be taken off of the ceiling and crown molding hung.  After the Powder room popcorn adventure - my days of scraping ceilings are OVER!  Ring ring, hello, Angies list - I'll take one handy man/drywall expert please?
Reason number 4 - One child with Autism  +  two SQUIRRELY dogs = you get the picture!
Reason number 5 for delay (and probably the biggest reason) - need more Pottery Barn units.  Cancel that!  Changed my mind again!  Now I think I want a buffet - I don't like how short these PB units are now that I see them in the room.  No "backsies" = sucks to be me!  Shhhew...will I ever be done?  Oh - I forgot to post my inspiration for this room!  I have had this pic for years - so maybe I'm not all that fickle after all :)

Board and Batten dilemma

Ok... So, here is a post I have been dragging my feet on -'s a half bath and hard to get good pics of -

and here is the reason I have been dragging feet...

I - being a girl, and a Gemini girl at that, I am very fickle!  (Nooo???  You say sarcastically.  Yes, I heard that!  And I know who you are!)   Anyway...back to my dilemma.  In the middle of this project I decided to change from grey paint to beige on top of the board and baten.  Welp,  now I wish I had gone with the grey!  Actually there was blue in there somewhere too. But hey - I told you I was fickle!  The tile/grout (which I neglected to take a picture of) is mostly grey.  And, I'm getting a little beiged out...if you have seen my house "you know why" (one of the best one liners in a movie).  So...the reason I have not posted this sooner, and the reason I am posting now, is...I would like some opinions.  I am thinking about having the mirror and vanity cabinet sprayed white and the walls painted in grey.  I have a collection of small mirrors with silver and black frames which I thought might then look nice on the wall.  Any advice?  WAIT...I almost forgot!  The second part of my dilemma is, I feel the Board and Batten look unfinished.  Do you think it need a shelf or cap on the top?