Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fight for Preemies // Bloggers Unite

Fight for Preemies // Bloggers Unite

As usual, I am a little late for National Preemie awareness day, but I have made it in before the end of Preemie Awareness month so I hope it still counts. Everyone who knows me should be used to this, isn't it part of my

Better late than never, right? Perhaps Saralain should have subscribed to that theory, as well. But as everyone who knows us is aware, she did not! Our precious little girl was in such a hurry to join the world that she came to us at 24w5d. Thus beginning a very amazing journey which we will never forget...
Sara's Birth-day. (June 12 - 1lb 7oz)
First time I was able to hold her - 2mnths 5 days old.


Six Months later...with Gods blessing and the help of some FABULOUS medical staff (some of those Angels pictured above) we brought Sara home. 

To all the parents going through, what seems like the trial of a lifetime,  prayers are powerful and dreams can come true!  Hang in there, better days are on the way....

Here is our beautiful girl today... 

And have I mentioned what a "huggie-kissie little sweetheart she is"? 


Thank you for taking time to read Saralain's story and please support March of Dimes. 

Kitchen continued...

So as luck would have it in our house...we were hoping that our refrigerator would be merciful and hang in there until we could get the rest of the work finished.  But alas...she was a spiteful ole gal and did not cooperate!  So off to the appliance store we went.  I guess she (ole spiteful) did have good timing, as Grammy was here to watch Sara (Big smile), which made shopping a whole lot easier!  While looking for perfect refrigerator, I strayed over to the ovens (since Mr. stove has been threatening to leave us stranded, as well) and that is when I saw it.... (Que the chorus of angels singing)

Isn't he lovely?  And...doesn't he look awesome in MY kitchen! Whooo hooo...happy new stove dance!  Hopefully today, we will put up the Stainless back splash...hopefully.  (junk on the counter - courtesy of the missing upper cabinets and a trip to Trader Joes)

Oh, I almost forgot - we did get a refrigerator too.  Not the one I wanted, but she is growing on me.  I certainly can't complain.  Hubby picked this one - three guesses why?
The drink drawer!  He's such a dude!  LOL
Ok, so hopefully it won't be much longer till I have a finished product! 

Paint ceiling  - check
New appliances - check
Counter tops - check
Cabinets - half a check
Paint walls - half a check
floors - sigh....

Stay tuned...more to come!

Now, off to set up the Christmas tree...and pester hubby to put up that back splash :)