Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can you Picture My Surprise?

Good morning to my 3 faithful followers and any sweet viewers who are welcome to join.  How pitiful is that?  LOL

Many moons ago, when my daughter was just a wee lil babe,   my mother in-law gave  me the most adorable print, you ever saw!  An artists depiction of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  I absolutely loved it!  Well, in the wake of a new baby, a preemie at that, and many moves we never intended on, I just never seemed to have the time to get it framed.  Fast forward nine years, I finally found a pocket of time to have this long lost treasure framed.  The framer seemed a little, shall I say - not so impressed, with the shape of the print.   And he really turned his nose up at the fact that I wanted Plexiglas in the frame.  (Um hello, daughter with Autism doesn't understand glass can hurt you.  She likes to take the pictures off of her wall to examine them).  Yes, I have motives behind my crazy ideas, Thank you!  Okay, I digress.  Back to the story at hand.  Last Friday, I just picked up the picture, and it was truly worth the wait!  I LUV it! Plexiglas and all!  In fact, I love it so much, I decided to look up the artist on-line to see if he had any other prints.  And much to my surprise, the print I just had framed - sells for $450.00 to $999.00 on-line!  WHAT - you say?  Yes!  (doing the whoot whoot - happy dance here)  I have a treasure, just like those on Antiques Road Show!  On a more sober note - I think it might be a while before I can get another of his ADORABLE prints!    (But, I'm a saving and a searching!) 

Here is the picture....

Should you want to check out his other amazing prints - please look up Scott Gustafson on Google.  His work is amazing!

I just can't wait until Jan/Feb when this fabulous picture is finally hanging in Sarlain's newly decorated big girl room!

PS.  Many thanks to my Mother in-law Wanda for the picture! xo