Three in the morning, and I am watching Toy Story for the um...the billionth time! I would feel like I was the only one with an insomniac in the house, but I hear someone next door at the Bumpesses. (eye roll)
So....I'm still trying to get the hang of this blogging thing. I totally forgot to take pics of this weeks projects! Maybe because they were sort of, "behind the scenes" projects. My mother has been here (Grammie), for a visit and we are on a mission to unload! I believe I have officially turned into my mother, or at least, inherited her "Hoarder-phobia" gene. (I wonder if they have a official name for it, like other phobias?) So far we have given 9 trash bags of clothes to friends and taken one load to the "resell store" (NOT a big fan of that place and do NOT recommend it to anyone!) Gave away a LARGE stroller, jumbo chair, tons of toys and a Partridge in a Pair Tree! (Ok, so not really the Partridge, but I was on a roll - you get the gist, right?) Well...actually - does one petrified snake count? Blaah! (ougie wiggle) Yes, you read that right! Thank goodness, Tony found it and not me, as anyone who knows me, knows my one MASSIVE Phobia is of snakes. This little free loader was stuck to tape sealing one of the boxes of my daughters baby clothes - good riddance to him! The creepy little critter! Darn...really should have had a pic of that!
Ahhh...I hear the sweet sound of snoring coming from my little one next to me! The most wonderful sound in the world! I think I shall retire so I can begin my big blog tomorrow about the reason for this wild clean out...actually it links to several upcoming posts.
Nightie all.