Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can you Picture My Surprise?

Good morning to my 3 faithful followers and any sweet viewers who are welcome to join.  How pitiful is that?  LOL

Many moons ago, when my daughter was just a wee lil babe,   my mother in-law gave  me the most adorable print, you ever saw!  An artists depiction of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  I absolutely loved it!  Well, in the wake of a new baby, a preemie at that, and many moves we never intended on, I just never seemed to have the time to get it framed.  Fast forward nine years, I finally found a pocket of time to have this long lost treasure framed.  The framer seemed a little, shall I say - not so impressed, with the shape of the print.   And he really turned his nose up at the fact that I wanted Plexiglas in the frame.  (Um hello, daughter with Autism doesn't understand glass can hurt you.  She likes to take the pictures off of her wall to examine them).  Yes, I have motives behind my crazy ideas, Thank you!  Okay, I digress.  Back to the story at hand.  Last Friday, I just picked up the picture, and it was truly worth the wait!  I LUV it! Plexiglas and all!  In fact, I love it so much, I decided to look up the artist on-line to see if he had any other prints.  And much to my surprise, the print I just had framed - sells for $450.00 to $999.00 on-line!  WHAT - you say?  Yes!  (doing the whoot whoot - happy dance here)  I have a treasure, just like those on Antiques Road Show!  On a more sober note - I think it might be a while before I can get another of his ADORABLE prints!    (But, I'm a saving and a searching!) 

Here is the picture....

Should you want to check out his other amazing prints - please look up Scott Gustafson on Google.  His work is amazing!

I just can't wait until Jan/Feb when this fabulous picture is finally hanging in Sarlain's newly decorated big girl room!

PS.  Many thanks to my Mother in-law Wanda for the picture! xo

Friday, December 3, 2010

Temporarily ooc

We received these in the mail today...

How did they know we are all sick, and unable to begin the Christmas chaos of shopping?  Did they notice we were missing from the mall?  (uhm hello...why this is upside down, I do not know?)

I have so many little projects I wanted to work on/and post but alas...

these have been our best friends and activities for the last week.   I am feeling slightly better today, but Saralain is very coughy now.  It is so hard to have a sick child...and really hard having a sick child who can't tell you what is wrong :(

Here is a snippet of the progress we have made.

Hubby put up the tree for Thanksgiving...

and this is all the further it has gotten...
How sad is that?

Hopefully we are all on the mend now and I will have to race like a Earnhardt (now there is a clue to upcoming posts...) to get ready for Christmas and create some posts.  I have a Cookie exchange/Christmas movie night this coming week with my wonderful girlfriends...any suggestions on good GF cookies are welcome. 

Stay tuned...when we return, we have a little give-away planned.  For now, I'm off to peruse my magazines and order some gifts on-line. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fight for Preemies // Bloggers Unite

Fight for Preemies // Bloggers Unite

As usual, I am a little late for National Preemie awareness day, but I have made it in before the end of Preemie Awareness month so I hope it still counts. Everyone who knows me should be used to this, isn't it part of my

Better late than never, right? Perhaps Saralain should have subscribed to that theory, as well. But as everyone who knows us is aware, she did not! Our precious little girl was in such a hurry to join the world that she came to us at 24w5d. Thus beginning a very amazing journey which we will never forget...
Sara's Birth-day. (June 12 - 1lb 7oz)
First time I was able to hold her - 2mnths 5 days old.


Six Months later...with Gods blessing and the help of some FABULOUS medical staff (some of those Angels pictured above) we brought Sara home. 

To all the parents going through, what seems like the trial of a lifetime,  prayers are powerful and dreams can come true!  Hang in there, better days are on the way....

Here is our beautiful girl today... 

And have I mentioned what a "huggie-kissie little sweetheart she is"? 


Thank you for taking time to read Saralain's story and please support March of Dimes. 

Kitchen continued...

So as luck would have it in our house...we were hoping that our refrigerator would be merciful and hang in there until we could get the rest of the work finished.  But alas...she was a spiteful ole gal and did not cooperate!  So off to the appliance store we went.  I guess she (ole spiteful) did have good timing, as Grammy was here to watch Sara (Big smile), which made shopping a whole lot easier!  While looking for perfect refrigerator, I strayed over to the ovens (since Mr. stove has been threatening to leave us stranded, as well) and that is when I saw it.... (Que the chorus of angels singing)

Isn't he lovely?  And...doesn't he look awesome in MY kitchen! Whooo hooo...happy new stove dance!  Hopefully today, we will put up the Stainless back splash...hopefully.  (junk on the counter - courtesy of the missing upper cabinets and a trip to Trader Joes)

Oh, I almost forgot - we did get a refrigerator too.  Not the one I wanted, but she is growing on me.  I certainly can't complain.  Hubby picked this one - three guesses why?
The drink drawer!  He's such a dude!  LOL
Ok, so hopefully it won't be much longer till I have a finished product! 

Paint ceiling  - check
New appliances - check
Counter tops - check
Cabinets - half a check
Paint walls - half a check
floors - sigh....

Stay tuned...more to come!

Now, off to set up the Christmas tree...and pester hubby to put up that back splash :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A-door-able solution!

As you may have read in an earlier post  (or know if you are one of our cherished friends) - we have a wonderful little daughter who is diagnosed with "The A".  What you may not know, is that many children on the spectrum suffer from serious sleep problems.  We happen to be one of those lucky families!  (lil sarcasm - humor keeps me sane, I think?)  (BTW - sleep deprivation can cause verbal stupidity, consider that while reading this  

Anyway - back to the matter at hand.  "Necessity is the Mother of Invention", isn't that how the saying goes?  Well, here is my invention...  Ta dah! 

From the loft into Sara's room...

Open door...

Sara's veiw...

 A doggies eye view...

I have actually been working on this little project for some time now, and as you can see, it still isn't quite finished.  I just couldn't wait any longer to post it!  Mostly because I feel like my poor blog is just sitting here post-less.  Well...and because I wanted to show off my idea. he he :)  I still need to caulk the nail holes, fill the hugemongus (isn't that a word?) gaps, and paint.  Then I am going to hang a small curtain and I have a few amazing accessories I will save for the final reveal! 

I cut out the middle section of the door around the center panels with a Dremmel.  Thank goodness the trim covered that handy work!  LOL  The door was hollow, so I had to put 2x4's inside and nail thru the door to keep them in place in order to give some substance to the door, so I could frame the window and put on the trim.  Then I made a square from with the cross pieces in the center.  (It's a good thing we plan to tile in the bathroom soon - as I shot one nail through and nailed the frame to my floor...LOL).  I popped it into place, placed trim around it and voila... I must give credit where it is due.  This is where the idea was sparked - one of Sara's favorite spots...the indoor bounce house we like frequent called Jumping Beans.

"Pay no attention to the girl behind the green window"  This is the little cut out window for parents to see what the children are doing in the play room.

Some background on the project -

Back to "The A" - we use melatonin for our daughter and it does help some, but she still has very poor sleep patterns.  After about 5 years of sleeping, on average, 3 hrs a night - we had to come up with some way of making sure she was safe and could play in her room without waking us, because it was taking a serious toll on us both physically and mentally.  It was suggested that we lock her door, but I thought about how upset I would feel to be locked in a room, unable to see what was going on outside, and not knowing if my Mommy and Daddy were still out there.  So you can imagine how happy I was when this little idea popped into my head.  Cuteness with a great purpose!  "Honey, where is the SAW?"

Now - we can hear her, she can hear us, she can call to us if there is a problem.  And (how cute is this?) when she does wake up, our little dog goes back and forth to her door and us like he is checking on her or telling us "she's up-she's up...let her out!" 

Please feel to take my idea and use it to keep your child safe and preserve your precious sleep.  I will be happy to give you better instructions if you would like, feel free to contact me.  And please...if you have friends that have children who have "The Big A", be understanding when they seem to have lost their marbles.  Remember the brain loss you suffered the first year after having children, that is what every day is like for us.  A wonderfu idea, would be to offer to help them with this little project.  Special Thanks to Aunt Mandie, for demonstrating the window for us.  :)  Isn't she Ahhhdorable too!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Three in the morning, and I am watching Toy Story for the um...the billionth time!  I would feel like I was the only one with an insomniac in the house, but I hear someone next door at the Bumpesses.  (eye roll) 

So....I'm still trying to get the hang of this blogging thing.  I totally forgot to take pics of this weeks projects!  Maybe because they were sort of, "behind the scenes" projects.  My mother has been here (Grammie), for a visit and we are on a mission to unload!  I believe I have officially turned into my mother, or at least, inherited her "Hoarder-phobia" gene.  (I wonder if they have a official name for it, like other phobias?)   So far we have given 9 trash bags of clothes to friends and taken one load to the "resell store" (NOT a big fan of that place and do NOT recommend it to anyone!)  Gave away a LARGE stroller, jumbo chair, tons of toys and a Partridge in a Pair Tree!  (Ok, so not really the Partridge, but I was on a roll - you get the gist, right?)   Well...actually - does one petrified snake count?  Blaah! (ougie wiggle) Yes, you read that right!  Thank goodness, Tony found it and not me, as anyone who knows me, knows my one MASSIVE Phobia is of snakes.  This little free loader was stuck to tape sealing one of the boxes of my daughters baby clothes - good riddance to him!  The creepy little critter!  Darn...really should have had a pic of that! 

Ahhh...I hear the sweet sound of snoring coming from my little one next to me!  The most wonderful sound in the world!  I think I shall retire so I can begin my big blog tomorrow about the reason for this wild clean out...actually it links to several upcoming posts.

Nightie all.

Monday, October 25, 2010

These are a few of "My Favorite Things" la la la la la la la

It's probably a good thing you couldn't actually hear that little rendition of "My Favorite Things", as my singing could be compared to that of a duck with laryngitis.  No, I'm not sick thanks, I always sing like that - I know it, and I do it anyway.  lol  This is where having a daughter with "the Big A" is beneficial.  I'm pretty sure if she were "typical", she would have lots of criticism for me.  (This I assume, from what I hear from parents of tipies).  Although she is mostly non-communicative she sings quite a lot - fortunately she has the voice of an Angel, and was not blessed with Mommy's singing talents.  (serious lol here)

I've been wanting to start a portion of my blog called - "My favorite things" and what better way to start, than with the best doggone shoes I ever bought! 

Oh wait...first I should tell you - I am a sucker for all things Miu miu!  For this I must blame my Sister!  A few years ago she introduced me to her Black Bow satchel - and I have coveted it ever since!  (Evil Temptress, that she is!  lol  "Whew - where did that come from")  OK, now that I got that out of my system...


My new suede Miu miu Ballerina flats...are they too cute or what?  I received these wonderful "Little Pretties" in the mail today!  And I LOVE em!  In fact - I haven't taken them off since I took this picture! 

I am wearing them to do my house work...

See how hard I'm working!  JK...I really was.  I swear!

And as soon as I am finished with this entry, which is taking forever, due to the five dozen interruptions from daughter, dog 1, dog 2 and the phone!  I have to make the chocolate chip cookies I promised my hubby.  Oh...and have I told you how much I hate to bake?  I do, but we'll save that for another entry. 

More "Favorite things" to come...after I bake the cookies, "do my homework, feed the hogs".  Yes, that is a quote from one of "my favorite" all time movies!  Do you know which one it is?  Did you catch the previous one?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ohhhh noooo...

When I was wiping the counters down this morning - I discovered this;

Yes, it is a crack in my new granite! sniff sniff
I kinda-sorta want to cry!  Waiting to hear back from the company. 
Well, at least we found it before we tiled the back splash.
Argh...I know it is hard to see in the pic, but hubby saw it immediately when he got home!  I knew I should have gone with the Black Galaxy!  Do you think it's a sign?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Soups on...

When the temps decided to drop earlier this week, I had a hankering for some homemade soup... mmm.

Hiding behind my fall soup display is a little sneak peak of the upper cabinets to come... I have to give credit where it is due - this is a Rachel Ray soup I have been making since the day I saw it on her show over 5 yrs ago, Broccoli yummy!

One good look at the stove (and counter) in this pic...and you can see why I am in such a hurry to get the kitchen done.  Not to mention the "poor ole thing" is on it's last leg (or should I say burner).  I am still trying to pick out a new one.  Any suggestions?  So far I have narrowed it down to Bosch, Electrolux or the Maytag double oven.  Opinions and experience welcome.

Big "A" Adventures

This is where you will find us most Friday evenings...and it is a great way to end the week and kick off the weekend.

Horses for Hope

You want me to get on that BIG thing?  lol  No, seriously she loves it! 

Of course you may not think she loves it by the look on that face, but I assure you she does. 

Horses for Hope is another fantastic organization we have found.  They offer thereputic ridding lessons to children with special needs, oh and they have classes for "tipies" too :).

The two women who founded/run it and their numerous volunteers are wonderful!
This is one of the awesome owners shown here in front, with one of the volunteers leading the horse.  They are getting ready to "hit the trail".

The "trail ride" weeks are Sara's favorite!  She is so calm and satisfied those eveings.  Life is GOOD! 

The "Big A" adventure

The Miracle League 

Boston Red Sox
team picture

Our little Angel is in the first row on the left side, the one with the scowl on her This child truly does not like you to tamper with her routine. These team pics were interfering with her Saturday lunch outing of "French fries and Pink Milk" (aka sprite) Let's see how many of you get the reference to Pink Milk?
Saralain running for Home!  "Wonderful buddies" in in Yellow.  Super coach cheering her to Home base.
This is where you will find us starting our Saturday afternoons this fall.  Yesterday was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed the game, as we have every single one!  We have been blessed with beautiful weather for each and every game this season, however, yesterday seemed exceptionally lovely.  Maybe, because my daughter had two wonderful buddies, which allowed my husband and I to sit together and enjoy watching and cheering for her and our team.  Hmm...husband with little A asked to participate in the wave - wish I would have had a pic of 

An absolutely WONDERFUL group of people volunteer their time to arrange/host this activity every year.  We can not thank you enough! 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A kitchen in Progress...

Here is a sneak peak at postings to come...and some insight as to why my blogging is so slow.  Terribly sad looking isn't it?

TA DAH!  Not any more!
  I just luv luv luv that sink.  Cookie sheets - say hello to my new little big friend.
My husband says I could wash the dog in there - Eeewww!

Just two guys carried all those big pieces in...jeesh!  I couldn't look!

Hello my pretties...I've waited so long for you :)

Do you notice anything funny about the picture above?  I only WISH I had a pic of my husbands face when they said please sign here and left it like this. did I know they didn't INSTALL the faucet or the sink.  The sink came with the granite, they told me I had to have the faucet before the install, so I just assumed.   My bad?? 

So began the day my husband set out to learn the secrets of plumbing...

And may I say...He is awesome! 
Only two trips to the home center and voila - (pics to come)
He did it again! 
Not to mention - he decided to go one further, and install a filtered water line too!  Got to love em...he is going GREEN!  No more bottled water - this thing is great!  (pics to come)
Even if it did cost me the in-counter soap dispenser hole....sniff sniff.

My awesome Plumber!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The unplanned project continued...

The job has they always do.  I have decided to undertake a massive clean out...this is what happens after I watch an episode of Hoarders.  Does this happen to anyone else?  I have this sudden urge to clean...frantically.  Wonder what Freud would say to that?  Well, no matter, it works!  I will have pics soon...of my new and improved closet.  And thanks to the lovely work of another blogger, (I will have to get her permission before listing), I think I will beautify my linen closet while I'm at it. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

An unplanned project...or should I call it an unravelled project?

So last week I heard a crashing sound in the garage, or so I thought.  I was frozen for a minute (chicken that I am) and then I went to the door, unlocked it quietly and yelled for the dog as I jerked open the door.  Voila...nothing!  So I figured it was up in the attic above, where I am sure a million things are perched precariously waiting to fall at any time.  Later that evening I went to the closet to climb into some cozy jammies only to find this awaiting me...

Surprise!  oh man!

This had been the first project tackled in our house - the closet organizing system one of my "Bestest Friends" Stacey, aka Handy woman Extraordinaire, put in for me on a visit 2 years ago. ROCK!  I'm trying to get her to go on "All America Handyman". 

I have more pics - however, we are experiencing some technical difficulties.  So while waiting...I'm off to purchase some Gorilla Glue!  Whatever did we do before Gorilla Glue?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Welcome to the farmless Southern Farmhouse

Welcome to my farm-less farmhouse.  I plan to share my decorating, renovations, art, foodie, sewing and homeschooling ideas, so please "bear" with me as I get started.  My family and I are a work in progress just like this blog.  I am weaving my way through the world of Autism Spectrum Disorder, which from hence forth I shall refer to as, "the Big A".  I am trying to navigate the culinary world via Gluten free recipes - I have some delicious ones to share, and I welcome yours.   I am using this blog to improve my writing skills for the book I am struggling with - in the mean time,  I hope to entertain you with some humorous tales of living in the world of the "Big A".  Disclaimer: Yes, I have a wonderful daughter who is diagnosed with Autism (ok, so this is the last time) and a terrific husband with Aspergers (this is his claim not mine) - and may I say, they make for a pretty entertaining pair!  Never a dull moment in this house!  Add two dogs to the mix - and you will want to stay tuned for this one.  "Please stay seated and remain in your harness until the ride comes to a stop" - That pretty much sums it  Oh - did I mention I wouldn't trade this life for ANYTHING in the world!  I LOVE my life!  The older I get, the more I appreciate, ALL the wonderful family that have made me - ME!  Thank you! XO